
Showing posts from 2017

***** The Basilisk by Stentorian Review!!! *****

Hey, my dudes!  ANother week, another review by me myself and I!  Lucky you! This week I am doing a review on the Basilisk by Stentorian.  Now, the HOW of how I got this to review it is completely awesome.  The TL;DR is that I won it.  The long version is that was running an Instagram Contest for 2 people to win a Basilisk, alls we needed to do was like the post, tag a friend, and comment with your country.  That was it.  So I did, tagged my old man, and of course put USA.  So, I get contacted a coupole weeks later by Heaven Gifts that I HAD WON!  Can you flipping believe it????   I about died.  A week after sending my address, it came in the mail.  It was like a birthday and Yule wrapped up in a box mod.  I was so hyped! The final form So, after taking  it out of the package and checking it over, I got down to biznezz. The website has this to say about the Basilisk : Th...

Converted another Smoker? How awesome of me!

When I started Vaping, I was determined to convert my Dad and Fiancee.  I mean, their smoking would make quitting harder for ME, right?  Well, I talked them into it, and we all went down and got the V2 Pens.  I had started on the Vuse Solo, and was ready for a device that would offer me the ability to choose my own flavors and more vapor.  So we all got the V2 pens, and took them home.  Both Lon and Pops still smoke the occasional Cig or pipe, but it is FAR LESS then they had been puffing away at.  Lon went f rom 2 packs a day to 1 pack a week and Pops went from one pouch every other day to one pouch a week.  WOW! So, I have talked a few other people into giving Vaping a try, and out of four people two have stopped smoking completely and two have drastically reduced their Smoke intake. So yay me! Yesterday I was at my General Practitioner's  office and had to refill my tank.  I was using Kangertech's Subtank Mini with my Council of...

***** The Tobeco Hades and the LQT RDA by DOVPO

Hey All!  Have I got a blast from the past for you!  The Vape store that I go to in another town had a ton of old Mech Mods that he had bought a few years back and never sold (Vaping wasn't as popular back then here) so he had packed them away.  Until I came in and reminded him that he had those things, so he took them out of storage and called me to come and take a look at them. the Tobeco Hades mech mod with an Lush RDA by Wotofo A mint in box Hades by Tobeco.  He said they were just taking up space so he offered it to me for 2 for $10.  I got another mod too.  It has a single 26650 battery for power, and lemme tell ya it makes a world of difference in the cloudage.  The exterior is a brushed stainless steel, with brass ornamentation and accents.  The locking ring is gold toned which is lovely, and it has small vent holes worked into the design that are gorgeous.  The lines of the Mod are clean and the press on th...

*****--- Sin City E-juice by GQ Vape and Watermelon candy by Pop Clouds Review --- *****

So, I havent done a review of an E-juice yet, so I decided to do a review of two of them together!  Yay me!  Ok, the first one is . . . . . . Sin City  by GQ Vape Ejuice I had been at a new shop in Atwater, a town about 21 miles or so down the 99 from us.  The shop, Smoke City on Bellevue Road near 5 corners, has an amazing guy who works there.  I forget his name for some reason, lol.  But anywho, I asked him if he had anything new in a watermelon flavor.  He pulled this one out and said " Have you ever tried Sin City?"  I gave it a look see and the description said " A  c arefree combination of apple & watermelon candy. Transports you to a carefree time in Sin City. "  I have to admit, I was  in need of a new flavor, and I definitely  needed a bit of carefree time (hahahahaha).  So I plunked down my $6.99 for the 30ml, and took it home. I have to admit, if you do not like perfume-y vapes, do NOT try this o...

***** The Brick House Smoke Shop Review *****

HeyY'all!  I decided to do a review on a local shop, because WHY NOT , am I right?  This shop is called The Brick House Smoke Shop , located in Merced Ca.  The owner's name is Scott, and he and his wife (I can never remember her name!) run and own the place. I have been  going to this shop since I began vaping in April.  Scott was the first person I went to with questions about vaping and I bought my first kit, a V8 Stick kit with a Baby Beast tank by Smok, from him.  He takes the time to find out what you are looking for and what you need before he tries to sell you anything .  I went in intending to buy a top of the line elaborate kit from Smok, and he stopped me, assessed my knowledge of vaping (little to none), and the explained why that wasnt what I needed and showed me something more suited to the beginner I was.  He could have made more money off of the Alien 220 watt that I had wanted , but instead educated me and gave me what I nee...

***-- The FrankenSkull Squonker Clone from Fasttech --*** Review

Hey All!  Got another review for you out there.  The Clone Frankenskull Squonker by Fasttech.  So sit back, grab your vape of choice, and read on. . . .   This is the first squonker I have owned, and the ONLY one currently.  I have been curious as hell about the Squonk box.  Who wouldnt be, honestly?  An RDA with the only real negative about it, the need to incessantly open it up and reload the wick with juice, taken away and made into a feature and not the flaw it has been until now.  Dripping and driving is NOT a good idea, lemme tell ya!  lol  The Squonk box is an amazing idea, honestly.  Lemme break it down for the uninformed.... The pin in the base of the 510 pin, a small screw in the piece that screws into the Mod and powers it?  It is now hollow, and there is a tube leading to a small bottle that has extra juice in it.   The juice bottle is squeezed and it goes up the pipe, thru the hollow pin, a...

***-The Itazte Kroma by Innokin-*** Review by Based Clouds

And here comes another review for ya!!  Enjoy! Ok, So when I was first starting out on my Vaping Journey I was on the lookout for another unit besides the AL85 from Smok that I had.  I mean, what if the Smok brand was crap?  (It isn't!)  What if they broke and I need a quick fix?  I decided that I needed another Kit that I could use as a stand in kind of device.  Something that I could take to a baseball game or the beach and not be left high and dry if it got wet or lost.  Something that didn't have a huge price point, and had internal batteries (have you ever tried to change batteries at a baseball game or in a fishing boat?  Not a pleasant experience, lemme tell ya!) that didn't take an eternity to charge.  My Dude S. at Brick House Vape Shop had something perfect for me. S said that he had just the thing for what I was looking for, the Itazte Kroma by Innokin.  He explained all the pros : fast charge internal...

DragonBall Styled rebuildable RDTA dripping tank from Fasttech Review

So.  As an anime fan, and a vape nutter, I saw something recently on Fasttech that really caught my eye.  The Dragonball Styled Rebuildable RDTA dripping tank. I HAD TO HAVE IT.  Not a huge Dragonball fan, but I had to have an anime inspired tank, HAD TO.  The price was obcenely​  low, $11.88, so I ordered it and waited with baited breath. Now, I had to be restocked, so the order placed on August 25th didn't get here until September 23rd, but that was ok.  The day I got it tho I squealed with excitement.  The box was so awesome!  Black with the dragon Ball logo (pics in the next post) and inside was the ultimate wish (hahahaha Dragonball joke there!).  The entire unit was easily put together too. It came with an extra glass ball invade of breakage, and the glass had the original stars on it from the anime.  The base has Dragon Ball written on it, with a small dragon engraved on the opposite side.  The top comes off in two ...

Santa Cruz pics!


Vaping At the Beach??

So, I have noticed a lot of vape manners go wanting when out at the beach.  Remember, YOU are Vaping's best advertising and if you are rude it does the image harm! Let us move on then, shall we?  Today's handcheck is the Minivolt 40watt mod with the X2O mini tank.  The small size paired with the long battery life and the small tank makes it perfect for putting in a pocket or purse while traveling.  And it also chucks clouds too, if you want to later on.  Have a great time and remember, mind your vape manners!

Kronos M60TC by X2O Vapes review

So.  Here goes, my first review!  Yays! I recently went to my local Vape and Smoke shop, and picked up the X2O Kronos M60TC kit.  I purchased the "Graffiti" model. (Photo below)  The size was almost perfect, fit right into my palm with no overflow, and for a person with small hands that is a difficult thing to find, lemme tell ya!  After figuring out how to fill the tank (the drip top unscrewed and there are slots in the tank top that you fill the tank thru), I checked the battery level and turned it on after allowing the cotton in the coil unit to absorb enough ejuice.   The juice I use is a mixed ejuice, a 50/50 mix of Blvk Unicorn's UniChew and Switch to Vapor's Unicorn Juice.  It is an AMAZING mix, I adore it.  But I digress.... So, after assuring myself that there was enough ejuice in the wick, I took a hit.  Perfection!  The absolute perfect mixture of flavor and vapor hit me, no spitback at all, and the wattage setting was...
Ok.  Imma try this thing. hold on! Lately I havent been feeling the whole. . . . . .Blogging thing.  It takes time, and effort, and (most important) energy  that I have not had to spare.  I have had my relatives in and out of the Hospital, my Moms went thru heart and thyroid surgery, my Gran has been in and out of the Hospital as well..  So I havent had time to scratch my ass let alone write out a blog.  So forgive me, I guess. Anyways. I have decided to take this in a whole new direction.  I recently stopped smoking and turned to Vaping to get me off the "Demon Nicotine!!1!", and I am not afraid to say I am addicted.  I enjoy the hell out of it, and I smell so much better then I used to, lol. I love the taste, they way it satisfies the need for smoke, the scent, the price (Oh lawd the difference the price makes!!!), and the different mods/boxes/mechs that are available. Anywho, I am going to do some vaping videos, some revie...